5 Reasons to Leave Your Phone Behind When You Travel

5 Reasons to Leave Your Phone Behind When You Travel

Here at Outward Bound Costa Rica, we’ve adopted a “no technology” policy for students while they are on course with us. We want to maximize their time on course and help them get the most out of the one-of-a-kind adventure they participate in here in the luscious nature of Costa Rica! Whether you are on an Outward Bound course or traveling on your own, here are the top five reasons why you too should leave your phone behind while abroad.

1. Connect With Nature


Odds are wherever you are traveling has a natural or urban landscape quite different than what you are used to see at home. Whether you’re walking through the clouds in the rainforest, enjoying the sunny weather at the beach, traipsing through the desert or hiking up a mountain, you should be able to use your every senses to enjoy the experience without the distraction of a phone. Who knows, it may be your only opportunity to see that particular landscape!

2. Connect With People

DSCF7063Whether it’s with locals or fellow travelers, we encourage you to talk to new people everyday while traveling. Connecting with people on a deeper level can be one of the most rewarding things in life. This goes both ways! Show people who you really are when you come out from behind a phone screen.

3. Develop Communication Skills

This skill will benefit you now more than ever. Learn to talk, problem solve, confront people and ask questions without the comfort of Google. Cell phones provide an easier form of communication and while it’s sometimes convenient, it can also cause you to lose interpersonal skills.

4. Live in the Moment


We believe that there is nothing better than living in the moment. Leave your phone behind so you don’t get consumed with things that happened in the past or that will happen in the future. Where you are in each moment is right where you’re supposed to be, so enjoy it!

5. Break the Habits

You know which ones: constantly checking the time, obsessing over social media, and maybe even texting friends who are in the same room as you. By leaving your phone behind while traveling, you can start to break these habits that consume your everyday life back home.

 See what some of our instructors have to say about the no technology policy for students while they are on course with us. To find a program for yourself, visit our programs page