It’s officially summertime here at Outward Bound Costa Rica! Tune in to our blog on Tuesdays for updates on our Summer Adventures and Fridays for updates on our Girl Scout destinations program to hear all about our student happenings here in Costa Rica and Panama.

Bienvenidos to our First Students of the Season!
Seven of our students arrived to our rainforest base on Saturday to kick off their summer experience with our first session of the 14-day Rainforest Exploration Challenge course. After getting settled into the student dorms, they completed a service project, in which they planted trees, cleaned trails, and improved the overall quality of the nearby rainforest reserve. Learn about this service project and how our students are giving back to the local community.
Yesterday morning, the students left with instructors Zach Mumford and Diego Chinchilla to begin their hiking phase where they will trek through the rainforest and through the remote location of Piedras Blancas. There they will stay with family homestays and be immersed in authentic Costa Rican culture. Stay tuned next Tuesday to hear more about what our Summer Adventures students are up too!
UPDATE: Photos from the students’ service project are available on the municipal school’s Facebook page.