1. Make life long friends
One thing I discovered when travelling is that the people you meet have the same interests as you. They want to experience new cultures, learn new languages, create new memories and gain new skills. You have the best experiences of your lives together by sharing adventures and this can build a serious bond. Most importantly, they take you at face value. They get to know the current you, who you are in the present.

2. Become a chameleon
Some people think that chameleons only change colour to mimic their environment, whereas they actually also change colour depending on their mood and temperature. You shouldn’t have to adjust so that you blend in. It’s important to change and adapt to your new surroundings but it is also essential that you express yourself creatively. Taking a gap year allows you to come into your own and be yourself within a group of unique, like-minded individuals.

3. Journey out of your comfort zone
“The only limits in your life are those that you set yourself.” – Celestine Chua
I remember travelling solo for the first time, a daunting experience but one that I wouldn’t change for the world. The skills I gained have helped me in my personal life for the reason that I can now walk into a room full of people and have the confidence to go and speak to someone.
This has also had a positive effect on my professional life, I feel much more comfortable in interviews with employers located in different countries. I also settle in easier when I start a new job because I am used to constantly meeting new people, so there is no fear factor involved anymore. Furthermore, I don’t dwell on the decisions I make, I commit to them 100%. I only have one fear, a fear of heights, but since I pushed myself in unfamiliar places, I have bungee jumped and sky-dived. Anything can be accomplished with a ‘mind over matter’ mentality.

4. Venture in your prime
This is the perfect time to take a gap year and go travelling. You’re young, you don’t have aches or pains, you have no debt, no mortgage, no kids, no worries. When else in your life will you have none of these?!
5. Achieve better grades
According to studies, research has found that students who take a gap year achieve higher grades than students that don’t take one.
“For many students, a gap year is about crystallising their decision-making; developing self-directed and self-regulation skills, broadening their competencies and self-organisation and perhaps their confidence,” said lead author, Professor Martin.
They have higher academic motivation and engagement, this may be due to students taking a gap year that relates to their future career, making them more interested and motivated when they return.

6. Witness meaningful travel
You will be able to travel with a purpose. I feel that you can never fully understand a place unless you immerse yourself in the culture and hopefully learning a new language on your journey. You will be able to experience the world in a meaningful way. You are not a tourist, you have become a traveller.

7. Gain life experience
Meet real people. Learn valuable lessons. Experience life consciously. Astronaut, Ron Garan, said “What I experienced was a profound sense of gratitude – gratitude for being able to see the planet from that perspective and gratitude for the planet we’ve been given.”