Girl Scout Troop #2402 Hike and Bond on Course

Girl Scout Troop #2402 Hike and Bond on Course

On July 20, 2018 Outward Bound Costa Rica (OBCR) welcomed ten Girl Scouts and three chaperons from Girl Scout Troop #2402 of Alexandria, Virginia for an 9-day Custom Course adventure.

“The most meaningful part of the course was how the girls all worked together during the hike.  They really learned a lot about themselves.” – Patty M., Parent & Troop Leader from Troop #2402

After they arrived at our rainforest base, they met their OBCR Instructors, Molly and Donna. The thirteen of them spent their first full day on a physically challenging hike in the rain, but the group worked together and supported one another.  Everyone felt stronger on their second day of hiking and the group enjoyed spending time with a homestay host family in their beautiful open-air, sustainable rainforest home.  The next day everyone overcame their fear of heights by rappelling an 80-foot waterfall!

“I learned that I am strong, beautiful, brave, confident on the inside and out.  I learned that on this course I shouldn’t be afraid to say anything.” – Lila R., Age 14

Some of the added highlights from their course included: exploring Manuel Antonio Park and swimming at the beach, rafting on the Pejibaye River, and shopping at San Jose’s Artisan Market.

Throughout their trip, there were many opportunities where each Girl Scout and chaperon pushed themselves and thrived getting out of their comfort zone. The Girl Scouts participated in a meeting without their chaperons where they reflected and learned about themselves and deepened their friendships with one another.  Instructor Donna described the troop as an “amazing group” that “grew leaps and bounds”on course.

Interested in a Custom Course?

Surf, hike, raft, scuba, kayak, and more on a Custom Course with your class, family, friends, school, Girl Scout troop, or co-workers.

Contact our Custom Courses & Partnerships Manager at 1 (800) 676-2018 or by emailing [email protected].

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