All Good Things Come to an End

All Good Things Come to an End

Bye See ya Nos vemos See you later Hasta luego
So long Catch-you-later Ciao FarewellG’byeY’all come back now Cheerio Adios Good-bye

These were some of the words exchanged among the spring Tri-Country instructors (Heidi and Santiago) and their students this morning just before the left for the airport.

“My experience with Outward Bound Costa Rica was a great first step into a great future!”

The course was 85 days. They hiked across the country, coast to coast. They went to Nicaragua. They camped on beaches and surfed. They went scuba diving in Panama, where they also snorkeled and went on a catamaran. They did it all. And it has come to an end today.

“The greatest happiness comes after the greatest struggles.”
-anonymous student

Many of the students rated the Hiking Phase as their favorite part. While this may be shocking to those who have heard it for the first time, it is not shocking to us. It is definitely the hardest work, the most rugged, and the most exhausting of any of the activities. However, students find it empowering to complete, and they love seeing how simply and happily the homestay families live in their remote villages. And to top it off, they are going to the most untouched areas of the rainforest that most people will never go. In these parts they are able to bond among one another and with the local families. They have time to reflect on life and find ways to make it better. Out on the Hiking Phase, life is simple and happy, just like the Ticos.

“It was an amazing growing and learning experience.”

And in case you were curious, their Final Dinner last night, included barbecue chicken sandwiches with bacon, Caesar salad, and yuca (a common Costa Rican potato substitute) fries.

Click on these links to see their photo albums:
Tri-Country: Spring 2010 I
Tri-Country: Spring 2010 II
Tri-Country, Spring 2010 III
Tri-Country: Spring 2010, IV
Water & Wave and Tri-Country I
Water & Wave and Tri-Country II

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