Today we bid a bittersweet farewell to our Coast to Coast Expedition Semester students. The students spent 85 days on course with us, challenging themselves with activities in Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua while stepping out of their comfort zone and immersing themselves in Central American culture.
As the cornerstone activity of the course, the students embarked on a 26-day trek across Costa Rica from the Caribbean to Pacific coasts.
“The hike was physically and mentally one of the toughest things I’ve done but [it was] rewarding,” said Aaron W. of Newton, Mass.

“The hike was definitely the most challenging physically and mentally but everyone helped each other through it,” added Becca P. of Needham, Mass.
Jake S. of Needham, Mass. said his favorite part of the course was scuba diving and staying with local families in Panama.

“[Scuba] was a totally unique experience and something I plan on doing in the future,” he stated. “It was cool being so welcomed in these communities.”
Spencer B. of Tualetin, Oregon agreed his favorite part of the course was the scuba diving and cultural interactions in Panama.
“I also had an amazing time playing with the kids in Panama,” he said. “It made me really think about what I wanted to do, made me want to find something to do with kids.”

Meanwhile, Kat G. of Kentfield, Calif. said her “favorite part was the beach because surfing was really fun and it was refreshing to have such a relaxing phase.”

During their time in Central America, the course was an opportunity for personal growth for many of the students.
“I definitely became more self-aware, accountable and responsible, said Becca P. “I learned what my limits were physically and mentally, and how to push past them. I’ve also become even more appreciative of all I have back home.”

Haley K. of Sebastopol, Calif. said the course taught her to “always do what you love.”

For others, like Aaron W., the lessons were more laid back and rooted in cultural immersion.
“I like the Tico culture a lot,” said Aaron W.”It’s all about “live simply, in the moment and be happy.”

We thank our Coast to Coast Expedition Semester students for spending these past 85 days with Outward Bound Costa Rica and wish them all the best of luck on all their future adventures.

Be sure to visit Facebook for more photos of our Coast to Coast Expedition Semester students in action. If you are interested in participating in a similar experience with Outward Bound Costa Rica, there are still spaces available on our Spring 2015 Gap Year & Semester Programs. To apply for this program, begin by filling out an enrollment form.
Need a reason to take a gap year? We give you five here!