We’re always proud to hear about our Outward Bound Costa Rica alumni and their amazing accomplishments. Participants of our Alumni Ambassador program help spread the word about their life changing experiences on course. If you would like to join the team and be a featured alumnus on our blog, start by filling out our Alumni Ambassador form.
Name: Hannah Stuart
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Year in school: Senior in High School
Courses Attended with OBCR: Rainforest, River, & Reef (2011), Sea Turtle Retreat (2014)
Favorite memory from course
My favorite memories always come from all my new friends that I meet while on course. I have found that the people that decide to take an Outward Bound course are always the best kind of people.
Favorite meal from course
While all the food was delicious on course, my favorite meals were definitely the ones that we would eat outside. I mean how many people can say that they have eaten a sandwich on top of a volcano or rice and beans from a banana leaf in the middle of the rainforest?
Favorite wildlife interaction on course
[During Sea Turtle Retreat] On night patrols it was so crazy because you would walk out to the beach and sea turtles were running at you from every single direction! We would count hundreds of them on our walks up and down the beach and then when you looked up at the sky it was like the whole galaxy of stars was displayed out in front of you. It was probably the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed.
Biggest surprise during your course
I was surprised at how poorly 4 years of learning Spanish is school actually prepared me for speaking Spanish in real life. I learned much more Spanish on course [with Outward Bound Costa Rica] than I ever did from a textbook!
Most valuable lesson learned on course
Even if something seems difficult or unachievable you should at least keep a positive attitude about it and just try it. Positive attitudes are key!
Most inspiring moment from course
On the very first day of our backpacking phase [during Rainforest, River, & Reef] we had a 10 mile long hike planned to our first homestay. Some portions were uphill, sometimes it was pouring rain, and early on we were all covered in mud and soaking wet. This was really difficult for many of us who had never hiked long distances before. When we finally made it to our homestay we all started cheering and it was the greatest feeling ever that we did it!
Describe Outw
ard Bound Costa Rica in one word
How has your experience with Outward Bound Costa Rica had an impact on your future?
Outward Bound has impacted my future because it opened my eyes to the world. I had never been outside of the United States or Canada before my first trip and now I want to go everywhere! I definitely plan on taking many more adventures similar to the ones I took on my courses and immersing myself completely in cultures like I did in Costa Rica.
What advice do you have for future participants of this course?
Things are going to be way different than they were at home. You’ll meet different people, eat new foods, and do things you’ve never imagined doing. Just keep an open mind to everything and try everything and you’ll have the most fun you’ve ever had!
Want to have your own Costa Rican adventure just like Hannah? Applications are now open for our 2015 Girl Scout Destinations. If you’re not a Girl Scout, join us for a service-based course on our Summer Expeditions.