Featured Alumni Ambassador: Maddie Ebest

Featured Alumni Ambassador: Maddie Ebest

We’re always proud to hear about our Outward Bound Costa Rica alumni and their amazing accomplishments. Participants of our Alumni Ambassador program help spread the word about their life changing experiences on course. If you would like to join the team and be a featured alumnus on our blog, start by filling out our Alumni Ambassador form.

Name: Maddie Ebest
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Year in school: Sophomore in High School
Courses Attended with OBCR: Scuba and Sea Turtle Adventure (2014)





Favorite activity from course

My favorite activity from the course had to be when we went Scuba diving either at the abandoned shipwreck or at night. Although, all the activities were so much fun it is hard to choose!

Favorite meal from course

On one of our last days in Bocas del Toro, (Panama), we had coconut bread made by local women. It was SO good!

Favorite wildlife interaction on course

I had so many interactions with wildlife that I never thought I would see in person. It was amazing! A few of my favorites (because I just can’t choose one) were baby sea turtles, sloths and manatees.

Most valuable lesson learned on course

The most valuable thing I learned on the course was not to take anything for granted.


Most inspiring moment from course

The most inspiring moment from this course was when we were walking along the beach around 1:30 am and we came across a mama turtle laying her eggs on the beach.

Describe Outward Bound Costa Rica in one word


How has your experience with Outward Bound Costa Rica had an impact on your future?

My experience with Outward Bound Costa Rica has had an impact on my future because it has inspired to try and travel, and to experience life, while also encouraging me to appreciate both new and old friendships.

What advice do you have for future participants of this course?

My only advice for future participants would be to bring more books because I finished my only book very early on.


Want to have your own Costa Rican adventure just like Maddie? Applications are now open for our 2015 Girl Scout Destinations. If you’re not a Girl Scout, join us for a scuba-based course on our Summer Expeditions