Girl Scout Update: June 25th

Girl Scout Update: June 25th

Our Girl Scout Destination programs kicked off this weekend to begin exploring Costa Rica and Panama Outward Bound style! Join us every Wednesday to stay up to date with the latest Girl Scout news and also check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more updates. Pura Vida!

Service Challenge #1

The Girl Scouts broke in their work boots this Sunday as they completed their first Service Project on the local reserve at the Outward Bound Costa Rica base. The girls came together as they planted indigenous Costa Rican trees and learned about the importance of trail maintenance from local Tico Instructor Orlando. Monday the girls traveled down near the Panama coast to Talamanca where they acquired Spanish language skills and learned about culture and lifestyle of the indigenous BriBri people. Today, they dive deeper into local culture as they learn about the rich history of the Talamanca tribes through lessons on the cloud forest and banana plantations. Check back next Wednesday to see what amazing animals and adventures they discover in the rainforest!

Girl Scouts show their strength as they work on the local reserve!


Scuba & Sea Turtle Adventure #1

The Scuba & Sea Turtle group set off to Panama this week to the island of San San Pond Sak to begin their quest to aid in the conservation of local sea turtles and discover other local marine life. The girls completed their first service project with local biologists and learned about the dangers facing the turtle population while also getting their hands in the sand and helping the animals themselves. On Tuesday the girls hopped on board a boat and took turns testing their balance as they tried their hand at the sport of wakeboarding. They rounded out the day with a lesson on the diverse coral reefs in preparation for their upcoming dive training. Join us next Wednesday to hear about their first scuba diving lessons and what they discover as they descend below the waters of Solarte!

The result of sea turtle conservation – healthy baby turtles!

Catching Waves #1

The Girl Scouts of Catching Waves loaded up their surf boards on Sunday to head out to the remote and pristine Avellanas beach to catch their first set of world-class waves. After practicing proper surf technique they headed into the local community to begin their service project. The girls were able to explore the diverse wildlife on the trails through the jungle that borders the sandy beach. Lessons back at camp included learning about coastal development and tide pool ecosystems. This week they will continue to improve their surf skills as they hit the beach each morning before serving the community and learn about local surf culture. Stay on board next Wednesday to catch awesome photos of our Girl Scouts catching waves!

All ready to take on the waves in Avellanas!