Links We Like: January 30, 2013

Links We Like: January 30, 2013

National Geographic turns 125 years old this year – and we love what they’re all about. This company has grown a lot since its inception, and it is starting to branch out into multiple environments. A newer beta program they’re working on is Nat Geo: Education. While looking into what this new site is all about, we found this cool Interactive Map Maker that will produced customized maps on many topics such as light pollution, population and geographic features.


One student, Mike Emiliani, traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico to see a different type of education. He describes in Yes Magazine about the history of the Mexican educational system and how la Universidad de la Tierra is taking a different approach with experiential learning.


Are you curious what type of hiker you are? Backpacker Magazine has a humorous guide to help you find your hiking personality type and suggest trips that match your adventure style.