Links We Like: January 1, 2013

Links We Like: January 1, 2013

First Day HikesAround the country today, many national and state parks are holding First Day Hikes – a healthy way to start a new year in the outdoors. Check out some of these hikes in Colorado Springs, CO, or Seattle, or Texas, or Virgina.
Check out America’s State Parks website to find the park closest to you doing a First Day Hike!

Tunnel Creek
On a more timeless note, I turn to the havoc sometimes wrecked by the great outdoors. John Branch wrote an expository examining an avalanche at Tunnel Creek, CO for the New York Times. I’ve always had a fond appreciation for the New York Times’ interactive team, and now they’re covering outdoor topics – kudos to you guys. I hope this story doesn’t deter you from getting outside and playing in the snow!