PACIFIC WAVE & WATER #2 Update- August 1st

PACIFIC WAVE & WATER #2 Update- August 1st

The group gets to know each other before heading out to the river.

The Pacific Wave & Water expedition began Sunday with a day in our reserve working on maintaining trails and cleaning up debris. The group headed out early Monday morning for their 3-day river expedition on the Rio General.  They mastered Class IV rapids while camping on the river bank at night and swimming at a waterfall. Student’s had the opportunity to learn to guide the raft down the river spotting river otters. The Rio General sweeps through deep valleys winding from mountain to sea attracting an abundance of wildlife and biodiversity. Costa Rica is home to 5% of the world’s biodiversity in .1% of the world’s landmass! They finished their rafting phase on Wednesday and headed to our beach house in Manuel Antonio to start surfing, waking up to howler and white-face monkeys. During their surf phase they started their CPR training as well. This Sunday the group moves up the Pacific Coast to Playa Avellanas for more surfing! Since the group has been living the adventure they haven’t been back to our jungle base, therefore we haven’t been able to get current photo’s.