Course Preparation

What can you expect while on a course with Outward Bound Costa Rica?
Expect to Be Challenged
No matter your prior experience, you will be physically and mentally challenged during your course. You will learn to face your fears, trust your teammates, your instructors, and yourself and push past any self-imposed limitations of which you think you are capable.
Expect to Learn & Grow
Our goal is for you to learn to adapt to new experiences and develop confidence. You will assume many important roles on course and your leadership style will emerge and grow stronger with each situation you face.
Expect to Make New Friends
OBCR receives a diverse group of students on every course. You will be with your teammates and instructors 24/7 for the duration of your course. This shared experience may be the hardest part when different cultures, languages, senses of humor or opinions come together. This is also one of the most rewarding parts of your course as you challenge and support one another to overcome differences and work effectively as a team.
Expect to Have Fun
You are away from home, maybe for the first time, in a new environment spending your days in the wild on an adventure. This is fun and a time to let go, be yourself, recreate yourself if you so desire. You have no outside distractions – just the here and now – ENJOY!
Expect the Unexpected
Pura Vida – Pure Life – not just an expression but a way of looking at the day, the world, your life. Things change both intentionally and unintentionally and you will learn to go with the flow. Itineraries are guidelines, time has no meaning, the day will unfold as it will. Adapt, accept and smile at the unexpected. It just may be a sloth on the road that takes you to someplace unplanned and magical.
What Your Family and Friends Can Expect
We understand that frequent communication with family and friends is generally the norm but once you have called home to say you have arrived safely there is no communication except with your coursemates and instructors. Those who are with us for extended periods of time, such as on semester courses, will have an opportunity to phone home on transition days between phases or courses. Friends and family members can send emails to [email protected], which will be printed and given to students every few weeks. We post one course updates on Facebook, Instagram and blog, so friends and family can keep up with your adventures digitally.
What can you expect from Outward Bound Costa Rica?
Since 1994, OBCR has been leading courses throughout Central America. As an accredited member of the Outward Bound network our methodology for adventure based learning is reflective of the Outward Bound founding principals; Challenge & Adventure, Compassion & Service, Social & Environmental Responsibility, Character Development, and Learning Through Experience.
Professionally Trained & Certified Instructors
Highly skilled, safety-conscious, certified instructors lead OBCR courses. Our team is comprised of both local and foreign national staff dedicated to creating the highest quality course for our students. Our instructor staff complete their training with Outward Bound Costa Rica and hold many certifications making them experts in their field. For each course we strive for one male and one female instructor, one English speaker and one Spanish speaker. There is one instructor for every 4-5 students per course.
Safety First
The safety and well being of our students is our number one priority. While outdoor adventures all have a degree of inherent risk, we have taken the necessary steps to assess and minimize the risk in our activities. Our courses, equipment and emergency policies are reviewed each year by our Outward Bound Costa Rica Safety Board, as well as by a risk management team from Outward Bound International.
Living Conditions
You will experience a wide range of living conditions from rustic to bare bones, tents to tarps, farm houses to community centers, beaches to docks and roofs to stars. Most places will have flushing toilets, but you will find yourself using bucket water to flush or finding a quiet hidden spot in the rainforest and covering your tracks. Hot water showers are a luxury, cold water is the norm, sometimes from a shower head and sometimes from a bucket and a barrel of rainwater. It is always fun to cleanse in the river and why we ask you bring biodegradable soap, shampoo and conditioner!
What does Outward Bound Costa Rica expect of you?
Our participant Code of Conduct is an important part of understanding your upcoming experience. We require you respect your environment, instructors and coursemates as well as yourself. The Code of Conduct is in place to keep you safe and create the best possible experience for you. Outward Bound Costa Rica makes no judgements in regards to these rules, we simply believe these rules create a secure and supportive environment while you are on course. When enrolling on an OBCR course, you do so with the understanding that, if you break one of these rules, you are subject to termination of course without refund.
You must:
- Respect the places and the people you come into contact with during your course
- Be an active participant on course and do your best to engage in new activities, work as part of a team and follow all instructions
- Not bring, purchase or use alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs during any portion of your course
- Not engage in any conversation topics or actions that knowingly intimidate, exclude, or alienate other members of my group
- Be responsible for personal belongings and equipment, and in the case of loss or damage due to your negligence or neglect, not hold OBCR or its Instructors responsible for such
- Treat all equipment provided by OBCR with care
- Refrain from use of harmful or abusive language to others
- Obey all policies and safety guidelines established by instructors and discussed during orientation
- Not engage in or display any exclusive relationships; no kissing, no romantic relationships, no displaying romantic interest, no engaging in any sexual or romantic activity, and not exclusively spending time with another person. This applies equally to same sex and opposite sex individuals.
- Not display unchecked anger or aggressive behavior of any kind toward anyone in my group or my instructors
Enrollment, Medication, Vaccines, & Diet
Once you have decided how long you wish to stay with us, and which course(s) are right for you, it’s time to fill out our Enrollment form. You will want to take your time in filling it out, particularly when answering the medical and lifestyle questions. These questions are not meant to deter you from participation, nor are they for the purpose of denying your enrollment. The more information we have about you, the better prepared we are to provide a safe environment for you to excel.
We will review your Enrollment Form, and based on your information, contact you if any additional forms are necessary to fill out. These may include a Medication Questionnaire, Doctor’s Authorization and/or Counselor’s Authorization to be competed by your physician or counselor. These forms, if necessary, will complete your Enrollment Form.
You’ll find the Enrollment Form on our website, accessible from the top menu or from the course page you’d like to enroll in.
Health & Medications
Your personal and medical history on your Enrollment Form is confidential. Your instructors will be the only staff given this information in order to prepare for your course and assess any risk to you while on course. We recommend you bring extra supplies of all prescription medication in the event some are lost or damaged on course. Instructors hold and distribute, upon your signature, all of your medication at the prescribed time and dosage, for the duration of your course. This is to help ensure that you take your medication as prescribed and to keep your supply dry and safe. You are responsible for taking your medication.
We require that you be up to date with routine vaccinations and have a current tetanus booster. Please consult your physician regarding travel vaccinations and visit the Center for Disease Control’s Costa Rica web page for up to date information. Malaria, yellow fever and other diseases that affect some tropical environments are not present in the areas in which we operate.
Water in Costa Rica is safe to drink and it is not necessary to bring water tablets, SteriPENs or any other purification systems. If at anytime our instructors question the water source, they are able to treat it with one of many treatment systems on hand. In Panama, water is frequently sourced from rainwater catchment systems.
Food is prepared either by our cooking staff at our rainforest base, or by you and your coursemates under direct supervision of your instructors. If you require a special diet we can accommodate a variety of dietary restrictions including vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, lactose intolerance and nut allergies. Again, it’s important you let us know of your dietary restrictions on your Enrollment Form.
Indicate any allergies you have on your Enrollment Form so we can respond immediately to any symptoms you may display on course. Please bring an asthma inhaler or EpiPen if you are accustomed to carrying one. You will be responsible to carry either or both with you at all times. If you have a food allergy, it is important that you can identify what you are allergic to so that you don’t ingest anything that could do you harm.
The number one cause of all health issues on course is dehydration. It is so important that you drink water consistently on course. Dehydration leads to headaches, stomach issues, tiredness, muscle cramps, general malaise and so much more. You will be reminded time again to drink your water. Make sure to bring at least two wide-mouth 1 liter plastic bottles and consider bringing a bladder and hose. Water is the source to good health and Costa Rica has great tasting water!
Course tuition can be found on each course pages. Tuition covers all room and board, course gear and equipment, instruction and all transportation while on course. Tuition does not cover roundtrip airfare to Costa Rica, personal equipment or supplies.
Your deposit confirms your spot on course and is credited toward the full price of tuition. See payment options here.
Deposit amounts are the following:
Custom Courses: $200 per student or half the total course cost (Check with your Custom Course Manager for clarification)
Full tuition is due 30 days prior to your course start date. If you enroll less than 30 days prior to the course start date, full payment is due at enrollment.
International Payments
Please note that all payments are processed in U.S. Dollars (USD). International prices shown on our website and catalogs are for your reference only. We will process the USD amount based on the exchange rate at the time.
Payment Methods
Credit Card
We accept MasterCard and Visa only. Please complete our Credit Card Authorization Form and email it to:
- [email protected] for Custom Courses
You may also send the completed form via fax to 1 (866) 374-2483
We accept personal or cashiers checks only. All checks must be in U.S. dollars and issued by or payable through a U.S. bank.
Checks must be mailed no less than 60 days prior to payment due date to the mail system between Costa Rica, the U.S., Canada and Europe.
Checks must be made out to Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School. Checks made out to any other name will be returned, and you may forfeit you spot on course should we have a waiting list or we do not receive your replacement check in time.
Checks must be mailed to:
Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School
c/o Communications Director
P.O. Box 025331
Miami, FL 33102-5331
Wire Transfer
You can pay via wire transfer by completing our Wire Transfer Form and taking it to your bank to be processed. Once you have successfully transferred the funds, please notify us and fax or scan and send the completed form to the relevant email address below. Email your form to [email protected] for Custom Courses.
Student Safety
Risk and uncertainty are central to adventure and personal growth. By embracing this philosophy, Outward Bound Costa Rica (OBCR) is committed to systematically identifying, assessing and mitigating hazards, while at the same time providing real challenges for our students.
Our Staff
Our staff are experienced, qualified and certified outdoor professionals committed to your well being and safety. OBCR staff are trained to identify, assess, mitigate, and approach risk as a learning tool to be managed but not eliminated. The goal is to provide you with the opportunity to gain insights and perspectives into yourself and the capabilities of your group.
Our Standards
Outward Bound International (OBI) has been a leader in wilderness safety and risk management for over 70 years. As an accredited member school, OBCR follows the standards put forth by OBI and has an exceptional safety record. We are reviewed and audited by OBI as well as by our Board Safety Committee. OBCR has operated courses without major incident since its inception in 1994 due to our stringent safety and risk management systems supported by our professional staff.
Our Host Families and Supporting Communities
Outward Bound Costa Rica courses take place in medium and low elevation rainforests, rivers, tropical beaches and at sea. Our routes and activities take place in remote regions far from the distractions of modern society. When not camping under the stars on our trails, you will stay with your group and instructors with one or more of our vetted and trusted host families. This may be on a farm, in a village or on a dock located over the ocean. Wherever it is, our host families have been with us for many years. We have seen generations of their children grow up alongside our students, have trained their children to become OBCR Instructors, and continue to partner with them to provide a cultural immersion experience not only for our students, but for their families as well. They are a vital part of the OBCR experience and we are thankful they are part of the OBCR team.
Our Emergency Action Plan
Our instructors carry an emergency medical bag with them on all courses. They are equipped with all necessary items to handle routine bites, cuts and emergent issues that may arise on course. Additionally, medical bags include bandages, splints and medicine to bridge that gap between the field and professional medical assistance for more serious issues or injuries.
Instructors are trained in determining if a student must be evacuated for their safety or professional medical assistance. Once it is determined evacuation is necessary, each of our courses has a dedicated methodology for evacuation which includes a physical route as well as a communications plan. If you need to be evacuated for any reason, your instructor will be in communication with our office staff, who in turn will be in communication with your designated emergency contact listed on your Enrollment Form. Once you are cleared by a medical professional, you will return to course.
Obtaining Academic Credit
On an Outdoor Leader Semester and Residential Gap Semester course you can earn up to 10 academic credits and on a Coast to Coast Expedition you can earn up to 12 academic credits. Credit can be obtained in two ways, an Independent Study and through our partnership with Western Colorado University. The first step to obtaining credit is to speak with your academic advisor. It’s very important to ensure credits will be accepted at your school or university prior to arriving for course. In partnership with HIOBS, you can find out more information by reading their article on how to earn credit with OBCR.
Obtaining Credit for Service Hours Earned on Course
Outward Bound Costa Rica is happy to provide documentation confirming the number of service hours in which you participated on course. If you have an official form from your school, university or organization please either bring it with you or email it to [email protected]. If you don’t have a form, we would be happy to send to you a formal letter from OBCR.
Packing for Your Course
Once you confirm your spot on course by submitting an Enrollment Form and your course deposit, we will send you a detailed downloadable Packing List specific to your course. Below are general guidelines to get you started.
Costa Rica, Panama & Nicaragua are tropical countries situated fairly close to the equator and have a range of different elevations and microclimates. For these reasons, we ask you prepare for sunny, hot & humid days, days & nights full of tropical rain, nights that can be very chilly and days where you will have it all. Here’s how you can prepare.
Do Pack
Everything that is on your course packing list with the exception of the items OBCR provides to you. The optional items listed are in case you think you need any of them, but based on what other students have said, those items are at your discretion.
We recommend $200 USD in cash for souvenirs or emergency medical treatment for students on a two-week course. $500 USD for students on longer courses. Debit and credit cards are ok, but you will have to find an ATM for cash and at times that can be difficult.
Definitely pack a camera, you will want to save these memories. Make sure you pack extra batteries and memory cards if digital, or several disposable cameras. It is rare that you will be able to find an outlet to recharge your camera or batteries while on course.
If you are staying with a host family, or performing service projects with local community school children and you would like to bring gifts, we suggest one or more of the following items: school supplies, children’s books, coloring pencils or crayons, soccer balls, or something that represents your hometown. Gifts are to be culturally sensitive but are not necessary. Keep in mind that whatever you bring you will have to carry.
Don’t Pack
Cotton towels, anything white, your favorite clothes or jewelry, or perfume. They’ll be difficult to keep clean! Additionally, the only electronic device allowed on course is a camera. Cell phones, music devices, computers, watches, multi-tools, and lighters are not allowed on course and will be collected when you arrive and stored safely until you complete course.
Disconnect to Reconnect
Now’s your chance to disconnect to reconnect. Home will be there when you get back. Take the opportunity to discover yourself, a new country, a new language, experiences and friends. Be present and in the moment. Allow yourself the freedom to Be. Out. There.
There are so many distractions in our world today that if reflected on, would diminish an OBCR experience. We encourage you to be present, engaged, responsive and thoughtful.
Documentation Necessary to Enter Costa Rica
Passport, Visa, & Proof of Exit
You must have a valid passport with an expiration date at least six months from your scheduled departure date from Costa Rica. At Immigration, you will be issued a free 180-day Tourist Visa and you must provide a copy of your itinerary showing your departure from Costa Rica is within the 180-day window.
Booking a Flight
You will fly into and out of Juan Santamaria Airport (airport code: SJO) located in San Jose, Costa Rica. Your travel dates must coincide with the start and end dates listed for your course. We recommend arriving and departing mid-day, but anytime on your course start and end dates are acceptable.
NOTE: We reserve the right to cancel or postpone a course due to lack of enrollment or unforseen issues such as weather. If this happens, we will notify you no less than 30 days prior to the course start. For this reason, you may want to purchase your ticket after the 30 day window passes.
Arrivals & Departures
Members of our dedicated staff will be waiting to greet you right as you exit the airport doors. There is only one exit out of the airport. We will be outside monitoring your flight and waiting to greet you. We will be holding a large white sign with OUTWARD BOUND COSTA RICA written on it in blue letters. From the airport, we will transport you to our basecamp in Costa Rica where you will prepare for your course. You will arrive back at our basecamp before your departure day and we will take you back to the airport 3 hours prior to your flight home. Complete information regarding arrivals, departures and airport logistics are found in the Information Packet which will be emailed to you once you have made your course deposit.
Outward Bound Costa Rica does not provide travel or medical insurance. Check with your insurance carrier to see if you are covered while traveling overseas or/and engaging in adventure activities. If your plan does not cover you, you may purchase a short-term international insurance plan to cover any health care expenses or medical evacuations.
Cancellation & Withdrawal Policy
Outward Bound Costa Rica follows its cancellation policy strictly due to the amount of time and up front costs associated with planning and executing courses.
Cancellation Policy for Individual Enrollment Courses
**This includes Summer, Gap Year & Semester, and Girl Scout Destination courses.
Cancellation 60+ days prior to course start date – all deposits/tuition paid are refundable less a $100 application processing fee per person per individual course. which is transferable to another OBCR course within one year of the cancelled course start date.
Cancellation 30 – 59 days prior to course start date – all tuition paid is refundable less the deposit paid ($200/$500) per person per course. Deposits can be transferred to another course within one year of the cancelled course start date.
Cancellation less than 30 days prior to course start date – all tuition paid is non-refundable. The full amount can be transferred to another course within one year of the cancelled course start date.
Cancellation Policy for Custom Courses
Cancellation 60+ days prior to course start date – if an entire group cancels course, all deposits/tuition are refundable less a $100 processing fee per person. If a single participant cancels their enrollment, all deposits/tuition paid are refundable (or transferable to another enrolled participant) less a $100 application processing fee. If a new participant will be enrolling in place of the cancelled participant, the deposit/tuition paid can be transferred with no fee.
Cancellation 30 – 59 days prior to course start date – if an entire group cancels course, all deposits/tuition are refundable less a $200 fee per person. If a single participant cancels their enrollment, all tuition paid is refundable (or transferable to another enrolled participant) less a $200 fee. If a new participant will be enrolling in place of the cancelled participant, the deposit/tuition paid can be transferred with no fee.
Cancellation less than 30 days prior to course start date – all tuition paid is non-refundable. The full amount can be transferred to another course within one year of the cancelled course start date.
Cancellation of Course by Outward Bound Costa Rica
OBCR reserves the right to cancel a scheduled course up to 30 days prior to the start date. This is uncommon and due to low participation or uncontrollable program factors, such as weather or unsavory conditions. The decision to cancel a program would be announced no less than 30 days prior to the course start date. Participants will be advised by telephone and email. Participants will have the option of transferring to another course, applying a credit to a course in the future within one calendar year, or receiving a full refund. Outward Bound Costa Rica is not responsible for reimbursement of travel expenses.
Medical Withdrawal Policy
Participants with a documented medical condition that prohibits them from participation in a course can either transfer any tuition payments made to a future course within the next year or receive a full refund. Refunds will be processed upon receipt of signed documentation from attending physician. Signed documentation must be sent at the time of cancellation to receive a full refund and, at the very latest, one day prior to the original course start date.
Expulsion & Voluntary Withdrawal Policy
We provide structured courses and strive to teach valuable life lessons resulting personal and professional growth for our participants. That being said, we do reserve the right to remove participants who present a danger to themselves, the environment, other participants and instructors and those participants who violate our participant Code of Conduct. Participants who are expelled from course or voluntarily leave course do not receive a refund and are responsible for evacuation fees.
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