All Summer Expeditions Student Updates – July 19th

All Summer Expeditions Student Updates – July 19th



After a week spent surfing in Costa Rica, it is time to bid farewell to our five students of Pacific Surf & Cert #1.  The students surfed with our instructors who provided them with holistic, one-on-one surfing classes. The group also had the opportunity to get First Aid/CPR certified while enjoying the beauty and culture of Costa Rica.

We hope they had a great time on their course and wish them luck in their future endeavors!



The students of the Rainforest Hike & Homestay #2 Summer Expedition completed their jungle trek through the remote community of Piedras Blancas.

“I would say that Outward Bound Costa Rica is kind of like climbing a mountain. When you are climbing a mountain it’s hard work but at the same time you can see the other side of the peak. The process seems like a lot of work but it teaches you to appreciate it. When you reach the top, you experience and see things like nowhere else in the world and you realize that the effort was incredibly worth it,” said Peter A. from London, United Kingdom.


“When you are here, you are able to look at yourself more deeply. The course pushes us to our limits and allow us to find who we really are. In the rainforest, hiking through tough rain, all of the problems of everyday life disappear. I believe that OBCR shows you who you are inside when you are away and out of your comfort zone,” said Seth L. from London, United Kingdom.


During their course, the group camped along the trail before reaching homestays with Costa Rican families, where they learned to prepare homemade sugar cane using the traditional trapiche.



The students are currently at our Manuel Antonio base enjoying their last days before heading back to our rainforest base.




The students of Caribbean Scuba & Service #2 are now in the middle of their course on the small island of Solarte in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. Some students had the chance to play with kids from the local community.


During their time on course, the group went on a three-day sea kayaking expedition though the Bocas del Toro archipelago and earned their scuba diving certifications.

Be sure to check back next Tuesday for our next Summer Expeditions update! For more course photos, visit and Like our Facebook page. To learn more about our Summer and Semester Programs head to our website or contact our office.