Small Country, Powerful Environment

Costa Rica Outward Bound


“I love the feeling of soaring through the air.” -2010 studentFor some, it’s exhilarating. For others, it’s their worst fear. Both of these types of people would agree: it’s the best way to see the upper canopies of the rainforest. It’s zip-lining. Regardless of how you feel ascending that mountain, gear in hand, awaiting your […]

Panama Sea Kayak Recon

re•con [ri-kon] -noun reconnaissance ¿Perdon? re•con•nais•sance [ri-kon-uh-suh ns, -zuh ns] -noun a general examination or survey of a region, usually followed by a detailed survey “A general examination of a region” is the best way to define our missions out into new, undiscovered territory for updating courses and adding new ones in Costa Rica, Panama, […]

Leadership Series: Part 1 of 7

What do they do with all of those skills? This “Leadership Series” hopes to answer this question for seven Leadership alumni, one each week until the next Leadership Semester course begins on April 2nd. Outward Bound Costa Rica‘s Leadership Semester is the one course meant to prepare students in such a way that they can […]

Outward Bound Costa Rica & Outward Bound USA?

“Are these related? If so, how?”These are among some of our most common questions. And simply put, Outward Bound Costa Rica and Outward Bound USA are both under the umbrella organization Outward Bound International. All Outward Bound Schools worldwide receive their charters via Outward Bound International. OBI is governed by a council made up of […]

Just Me, Myself, and I

so-lo [soh-loh] –noun 1. a person who works, acts, or performs alone 2. a person who performs or accomplishes something without the usual equipment, tools, etc. –adjective 1. alone; without a companion or partner –adverb 1. on one’s own; alone or unaccompanied –en Español 1. alone; lonely How would you handle being alone in the […]