Essay from Tri-Country Semester 2009 Graduate: Era Keys

Essay from Tri-Country Semester 2009 Graduate: Era Keys

Era Keys participated in the Fall 2009, Outward Bound Costa Rica Tri-Country Semester Course and she has shared her experience with us below.
A Peace of Mind:
A Self-Journey Through the Rainforests of Costa Rica
By Era Keys
Every trial and tribulation that I experienced in each phase; hiking phase, surfing phase, river phase, and scuba diving phase, all brought a clarity and understanding to my life. The family I found and friends I made will shape my life from here on. Although I may never see the wonderful people I met in the small villages and towns in those three countries again, their soul and imprint they made into my life will live on. I am truly gratefully for the people who allowed me to grow into who I am today. Their help, advice and encouraging words pushed me further and higher than ever before.
With each passing phase I grew into the person I wanted to be and left behind the person I had become.  My mind expanded, and I became a more open and positive person.  I had broken free from that dark cell in my life.  After coming home several people looked at me and seemed baffled.  Upon asking for the reason behind this bewildering stare they replied, “You seem at such peace.”  As it seems I had found the one thing I had been searching for in the depths of the jungle: peace with my future and myself.

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