Girl Scout Troop 50287 Hike and Volunteer on Sea Turtle Conservation Projects in Costa Rica

Girl Scout Troop 50287 Hike and Volunteer on Sea Turtle Conservation Projects in Costa Rica

In late March, Outward Bound Costa Rica welcomed Girl Scouts and parents from Troop 50287 of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to our rainforest base!

The group met their instructors, Donna and Mauren, for orientation, bonding, and packing before heading out the following morning for 9 days of hiking the remote regions of Piedras Blancas, staying with local host families, learning to cook traditional meals, waterfall rappelling, enjoying gorgeous beaches, and volunteering on sea turtle conservation projects at Playa Ostional.

The troop traveled during Semana Santa (Holy Week), which is one of the biggest holidays celebrated here in Costa Rica. They took part in local celebrations and learned more about the traditions and customs of this important Costa Rican holiday. On their last Sunday, after a morning of beach cleaning, the troop generously donated Easter eggs and goodies to a local school who were also casting their votes to elect the new president of Costa Rica that same day!

Throughout their trip, each Girl Scout pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and were able to grow in ways they did not expect. Instructors Mauren and Donna put pen to paper and wrote about what each one of them brought to this course and lessons they could take back home with them. Take a read:



Elizabeth T.

“Elizabeth is so compassionate, always ready to help and truly inspires others by leading by example. The hike was a big accomplishment for her! I think she surprised herself by finishing the hike, and doing it so well. I would encourage Elizabeth to express her feelings and never be afraid to open up. Let your beautiful voice be heard, you will only grow more and thrive.”





Emma C.

“Emma is a very strong leader and confident in her abilities. It’s easy for her peers to talk with her. It was a goal of hers to catch a wave on a boogie board and she did with such excitement! It was so fun to watch her. Emma also made a real effort practicing her Spanish with locals. I would encourage Emma to continue practicing her Spanish whenever possible as it will continue to open new doors for her.”



Maya D.

“Maya is such a positive force and inspires others to be positive. She is also observant and intuitive. She was excited about learning how to boogie board and spending this time abroad with her fellow Girl Scouts. Maya is very intelligent, and we encourage her to share that gift with others in speaking her mind and being confident in her decision-making.”








Meredith Z.

“Meredith is so supportive of others, and a smile lit up on her face when she saw her fellow Girl Scouts meet their goals. Being out in nature was a big step for her, and we are thrilled that she opened up to the experience and got out of her comfort zone. That’s how you grow! I would encourage Meredith to trust that she can accomplish more than she thinks—you are a strong girl!”



Molly S.

“Molly is a great leader as she inspires and empowers others to discover and dig deep into their own strength. She is a confident decision-maker, which makes it easy for others to trust and listen to her. We encourage Molly to travel more and expand her comfort zone as she has so much to gain and offer the world.”




Molly W.

“We loved witnessing Molly’s passion for nature and learning as much as she could about local culture. I think that on this trip Molly grew and achieved a level of comfort with the rest of the group that she didn’t expect. We encourage Molly to take gradual steps to trust others more and get out of her comfort zone. The steps you take don’t need to be great; they just need to take you in the right direction.”




Finally, a special thanks to Laura, Nick, Lisa and Kristen for putting a lot of effort and energy into making this trip happen and for taking a step out of their comfort zone to join their daughters on this adventure. We are so pleased you could all join us and hope to see you again in beautiful Costa Rica soon!


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