Girl Scouts Who Earn It: Part 4

Girl Scouts Who Earn It: Part 4

With a name like Stevie Peacock, making a name for yourself is bound to happen.

So what does it mean to “make a name for oneself?” Does it mean being a member of the Sarasota Crew Team for two years? Does it mean traveling to France for one of two summers in which she did a foreign exchange program through her Congressional Silver Medal Award? Does Does it mean “serving as a positive role model to the youth and adults she encounters in her local community and beyond,” as her HOPE Task Force Facilitator, Julia, told us? Or does it possibly mean coming on a Outward Bound Costa Rica course to perfect surfing skills in the Girl Scouts Catching Waves course?


But Stevie has done more than that. MUCH more. In fact, it is not shocking that Reader’s Digest wrote an article about this 16-year-old Floridian in 2008. Nor is it surprising that she was chosen as one of ten teens to help carry the torch in Coca-Cola’s “Open the Games, Open Happiness” campaign for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games (photo on left).

“Not only does Stevie sincerely want to make a positive difference in the world, but she has the skills to design and implement projects that actually make that difference both at home and and abroad,” Julia said.

Her experience has made this clear. Stevie led the Healthy Girls Task Force in a Holistic Obesity Prevention Endeavor in 2009 and 2010. She has spent the past six years helping Memorial Elementary School in Arcadia, FL through a non-profit she started, called Project KINDNESS, after Hurricane Charley badly damaged the area in 2004. Through this, she provides them with school supplies every August, reads to the classes (see photo right), brings treat bags in October for Halloween, delivers Christmas gifts in December, and brings Girl Scout cookies & juice every Spring. In addition, Stevie has brought all of Jordan’s Crossing (a Habitat for Humanity neighborhood) school supplies for the past three years, held an annual holiday toy drive for All Children’s Hospital for the past eight years in St. Petersburg, FL, and helped fund a school in Cambodia through her position as For Each Other’s Florida delegate. Stevie actually went abroad to Cambodia to attend the dedication ceremony, then delivered books and toys to a Cambodian orphanage while she was there (see photo right).

Amazingly, Superwoman Peacock has made time to develop her own skills and persue her interests, too. She plays the guitar and drums in addition to singing for the Venice School of Rock, performs as a pianist for Holidays at Boca Royale Restaurant, participates in the Faith Formation & Youth Band with the St. Thomas More Youth Group, and went to Crew Camp at the Annapolis Naval Academy. Oh, we forgot to mention her month-long precocious experience at Oxford University in England studying literature. Now she wants to become a better surfer in Costa Rica this summer through the Girl Scouts Destination program*, stating, “I hope to take away life skills, memories, and I hope to build a stronger character.”

Not impressed yet? Just google her name. Then remind yourself that she’s only 16.

Read more “Girl Scouts Who Earn It”:
Part 1: Kelly Wolf
Part 2: Virginia LaGrow
Part 3: Michaela Zimmerman
*The Destinations program, on behalf of Girl Scouts USA, is a chance for members to participate in enriching travel and adventure opportunities, ages 11-18. Girl Scouts must apply through their respective Councils. Applications consist of an essay explaining their ambition to attend, two recommendations describing her as a qualified participant, and a general Q&A portion.Outward Bound Costa Rica has been a Destination location for more than five years. In 2010, there are four Destinations for ages 13-18: Underwater Explorers, Rainforest River & Reef, Service Challenge, and Catching Waves. Click on the studio2b links on their respective pages to find the applications.

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