Links We Like: July 6, 2012

Links We Like: July 6, 2012

Jorge Rey Grange is traveling from Ushuaia, Argentina to Alaska on foot with his dog, Caminante (Walker). The mission of his trip, which he is calling “Caminando por la vida” (walking for life), is to collect donations for and to raise awareness about the lack of food, healthcare and education for children of limited means. The journey will take him an estimated 4 years. OBCR respects Rey’s motivation and cause and wishes him the best! Learn more about Rey from this Argentinian news cast (in Spanish).

Whether you’re hiking for a day or for a month, it’s good to have the right backpack for you! Some things you’ll want to consider when shopping for a pack are your body type, how many days you will be backpacking and the kind of trips you enjoy taking. Check out this comprehensive article compiled by the folks at REI to figure out what style pack you need.

With so many puppies and dogs on base, us staffers sometimes get a little sad to leave them if we choose to go away for the week. Apparently we should really be bringing our four-legged friends with us though!

OBCR’s folks are obsessed with their GoPros. These tiny cameras come in handy for all sorts of travel considering how lightweight and easy they are to use. Here is a neat video made using a GoPro by some guys traveling through the Southern part of the United States on bicycle.

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