Reflecting on our Time with 2019 Students from The European School

Reflecting on our Time with 2019 Students from The European School

Three weeks ago, 34 students from The European School in Heredia, Costa Rica, 6 instructors and 1 office staff member from OBCR, embarked on an unbelievable adventure through the Costa Rican rainforest. They camped under the stars for two nights, and stayed in four different homestays. On their hike through the jungle, they learned about how the rural Costa Rican life differs from the city life and also picked up a few skills along the way such as how to process sugar from raw sugarcane. The two groups conquered an 80-foot waterfall, with their newly learnt rappelling expertise, and finished their trip by surfing the picturesque waves of Manuel Antonio. Here’s what the instructors had to say about the two patrols:

Patrol 1

1. What was the best thing about the group / what was their biggest accomplishment?


The best thing about the group was the motivation between them and us, they always broke their limits and kept going. I think the biggest accomplishment was the relationship as a group. These kids were amazing and they knew how to break their comfort zone.  


Quizá lo mejor del ellos en el curso es el todo, compañerismo, amistad, unidad, trabajo, servicio. Desde un inicio el grupo fue enfocado en romper y salirse de su zona de confort, sin que nosotros como instructores les hayamos hablado de eso. El apoyo y la ayuda que tuvieron el uno al otro desde el inicio como un grupo los hizo más fuertes cada día conforme iban pasando los obstáculos, el saber que cada uno ocupo la ayuda del otro y que nadie se queda atrás fue lo que hizo que el grupo se fortaleciera. Aprendieron de sus propios errores, subieron liderar con orden y sobrellevar las situaciones.


Creo que lo mejor del grupo fue que siempre estaban preparados para los retos, no se daban por vencidos y, con la ayuda de los demás, lograban probarse que todos podían salir adelante. Paso a pasito todo es posible.

First Day of the Adventure at Outward Bound Costa Rica Rainforest Base

2. What advice would you like them to take away from the course?


The advice would be: give your maximum effort and never give up. All of you are incredibly valuable. 


“Pasito a pasito” esa fue la frase del día a día.
Comunicación y trabajo en equipo, amistad y respeto. Esas son las cosas, entre otras, que me gustaría que el grupo siempre tenga presente en la vida. Que todo en la vida tiene solución, que somos más grandes que nuestros miedos, que la comunicación y el trabajo en equipo nos ayuda a afrontar todas las soluciones, que siempre habrá alguien más para ayudarnos. Que el saber de nuestras fortalezas y debilidades, tanto individuales como grupales, nos harán mejores personas para el futuro. Que la humildad, la amistad y el respeto es lo más bonito de la vida.


Como grupo deben trabajar en escuchar a todos por igual y no interrumpir a los demás cuando hablan.
Como grupo deben guardar en sus que en esta vida hay tiempo serio pero también se puede sacar el tiempo para divertirsen.

Last Day of the Adventure at Manuel Antonio Beach

Patrol 2

1. What was the best thing about the group / what was their biggest accomplishment?


The biggest accomplishment was the ability to support and help each other. We went through some hard moments because people had physical challenges and we had to push hard to achieve daily goals. No matter what the situation was, they were able to find a way to help, support and understand each other. The level of trust they had between each other was amazing and also the trust, we as instructors had with them.


Aside from the obvious accomplishment of finishing the hike, I feel that they learned things about themselves through the shared experience of the hike itself. I think this was in part from the deeper connections/bonds they created while physically and emotionally supporting each other as well as that inherent voice inside asking who am I and what am I here to learn?  So many expressed, with great surprise, how strong they actually are, both mentally and physically.


Para mí ellos sienten que toda la caminata es un reto personal y cumplir su meta.

First Day of the Adventure at Outward Bound Costa Rica Rainforest Base

2. What advice would you like them to take away from the course?


My advice would be to use and apply all they learned on course in their normal life at High School. It is easy to forget and not use it when they come back to normal life.


I talked with a lot of them individually and gave them advice and information, as did Diego and Giselle. We took each member of the group during the final meeting and shared things about them that we saw in them. But as a group, what I would want them to walk away with, is that wherever you are is where you are supposed to be in that moment. For that is what life is, being PRESENT in every moment, and creating experiences. Don’t wait to live your life, this is your life. Create the one you want to live. My final words to them were someone else’s words:

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you’ve imagined.” – Thoreau


En mi opinión OBCR cumple muy bien con enseñarles la filosofía de la empresa, al pasar de los días en el curso se les va reforzando con actividades con respecto a las expectativas de OBCR, yo pude ver lo satisfechos que se van los estudiantes.

Last Day of the Adventure at Manuel Antonio Beach

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