We would like to announce the arrival of our new Custom Course Manager, Allison Bates. Allison comes to Outward Bound Costa Rica from her previous position as Programs Coordinator at the Cloud Forest School in Monteverde, Costa Rica. She is excited to be joining the Marketing Office at OBCR. Please see below for more information about Allison.
Hometown: Mansfield, OH
Education: A.B. Psychology, Bryn Mawr College (PA)
Certifications: Wilderness First Aid; Adult/Child CPR
Allison has traveled extensively in Latin America and is excited to have landed at Outward Bound Costa Rica. In 2008, Allison spent a semester in Mendoza, Argentina as part of a university study abroad program and improved her Spanish considerably. She also briefly worked with an NGO in Guatemala City. Prior to coming to OBCR Allison was Programs Coordinator at the Cloud Forest School (locally known as the Centro de Educacion Creativa) in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Allison greatly enjoys the outdoors and loves exploring all of the opportunities to be outside in Costa Rica. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Bryn Mawr College.