Through the Eyes of a Local

family homestays

Through the Eyes of a Local

Homestays offer an experience that no hotel or hostel will match. They give you a chance to fully immerse yourself with the local people and provide an opportunity to see a unique way of life through the eyes of a local and take a glimpse at the diverse culture that a country can offer. ​ […]


Hola! The students left the rainforest base early Monday morning with instructors Zach and Danny to start the their rugged trek through Cruce Tonito. The heavy rain made good use of their hiking equipment as students trudged through the challenging conditions and bonded together as they set up camp for their first stay under the […]

Costa Rica: A Culture that Facilitates Happiness, Longevity and High Quality of Life

Life comes with its ups and downs, but some cultures embrace the beauty of living to a greater extent than others. After reading the article entitled, “9 Characteristics of a Culture that Determine Happiness, Longevity and Quality of Life” by Silvia Mordini, we at Outward Bound Costa Rica were inspired to look at what makes our […]

A Message to Students from Piedras Blancas

Every year, hundreds of students trek through the remote rainforest of Costa Rica and into the homes of our Costa Rican homestays. Since the inception of Outward Bound Costa Rica, the Lopez family has been one of our homestays, welcoming us time and time again into their community and showing us the local traditions of […]