Leadership Update Dec 7


Leadership Update Dec 7

The Leadership Semester students spent last week in Panama getting scuba certified and exploring the depths of the Caribbean Ocean. When they weren’t studying for their scuba certifications, the group took turns wake boarding and also spent a day sailing on catamaran. The Leadership students are switching gears and heading out to raft the rivers […]

Tri-Country Update Dec 4

The Tri-Country Semester group has been soaking up the Caribbean sun on Solarte Island in the archipelago of Bocas Del Toro, Panama. After this past week, most of the students are NAUI-certified scuba divers! The students now know about dive equipment, the science of diving, responsible diving practices and the Bocas Del Toro underwater environment. […]

Links We Like: June 29, 2012

This should make getting to Panama from Costa Rica easier! Copa Airlines has introduced a new flight that will provide service from Liberia, Costa Rica to Tocumen, Panama. We would love to soak up the sun on the Guanacaste beaches and immediately hop a plane to Panama City to explore the famous canal town. Story […]

Oscar nominations for our Girl Scouts Underwater Explorers II, 2010?!!

When most people think of COSTA RICA OUTWARD BOUND, they think of surfing; waterfall rappelling; trekking volcanoes; sea kayaking; camping in the jungle; sailing; white water rafting; SCUBA diving; zip-wire flying; and other outdoor adventure sports. But what few may not know is that two core values of COSTA RICA OUTWARD BOUND are community service […]

Our Shiny New Beast

Well, we finally did it. When Scott returned from a seven-day cat-and-mouse journey in Panama last week, we knew it meant one thing: the new van finally arrived.He summarized his cultural experience: “Nowhere are the differences between Central America and North America more evident than in the navigation of law, bureaucracy and borders.” In short: it wasn’t easy.To acquire such a beautiful […]

Panama Sea Kayak Recon

re•con [ri-kon] -noun reconnaissance ¿Perdon? re•con•nais•sance [ri-kon-uh-suh ns, -zuh ns] -noun a general examination or survey of a region, usually followed by a detailed survey “A general examination of a region” is the best way to define our missions out into new, undiscovered territory for updating courses and adding new ones in Costa Rica, Panama, […]