Tips for Sustainable Travel: How to explore the world and leave a lighter footprint

Tips for Sustainable Travel: How to explore the world and leave a lighter footprint

Our blog published last month, ‘Sustainable Travel in Costa Rica’, discussed how travelers are on the lookout for ways to explore the world while minimizing their carbon footprint. Sustainability has become an important factor for those who are considering where to take their vacation, and Costa Rica has emerged as one of the leading eco-friendly destinations on the planet.

As well as making careful choices on the location for a travel experience abroad, adopting environmentally-friendly practices and creating a positive impact while traveling are equally important. We have gathered the following tips that will offer a few simple and practical ways to help create a lighter footprint as you embark on your next adventure.

1. Reduce Waste

Whenever possible, seek out eco-friendly products that can be reused or recycled. Use water sparingly and save electricity at your accommodation by reusing towels, switching off lights, and turning off the air conditioning. Try to say no to excess plastic by carrying your own shopping bag, water bottle, and drinking straw.

Here at OBCR, we encourage the use of environmentally friendly products. Check out our latest Gift Guide for some inspiration for eco-friendly gear.

2. Go Local

Support businesses by using local travel companies, buying souvenirs from small vendors, eating at local restaurants, and staying at hotels with regional ties. Recommendations are a powerful thing, so make sure to tell people or write a review about the great local places you have visited.

OBCR is a Costa Rican non-profit organization that employs local staff both at our rainforest base and out on course. We collaborate with small businesses and communities to create travel experiences that benefit the local economy.

3. Respect The Culture

Read up on the traditions and culture of a place you are visiting before your arrival. Consider what clothing and behavior is appropriate and learn a few basic phrases in the local language. Embrace the cultural differences and refrain from comparing to your own back home, you will enjoy your experience so much more!

During OBCR service projects, you have the opportunity to interact with local communities that benefit from our work. Here, you will have the chance to practice your language skills and learn all about a different culture.

4. Be Environmentally-Friendly

Don’t litter, disturb wildlife, or hike off the trail. Choose activities that require little or no fossil fuel.

On an OBCR course, students put into practice the principals of ‘Leave No Trace’. These principles minimize the impact on the environment they are staying in or passing through. We have a great respect for the outdoors, and this is reflected in the adventure activities that we offer.

5. Give Back

Create a positive impact everywhere you go. You could volunteer to plant trees, participate in a beach clean-up, or help teach at a local school. Engage with local people, they’re interested in your story and want to share their country with you!

Each OBCR course includes a service element. Participants do not simply ‘visit’ a location, they create a lasting impact that benefits the natural world and the people living in Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua. From protecting sea turtle populations to renovating community buildings, this is travel with a difference.

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