5 reasons to Opt Outside this Black Friday


5 reasons to Opt Outside this Black Friday

#OptOutside was a campaign that was started by REI back in 2015. #OptOutside was a campaign that was started by REI back in 2015. They decided to shut all their doors on Black Friday; they didn’t process any online payments and also payed all of their 12,000 employees not to come to work and enjoy the outdoors. Below […]

Girl Scout Troop #690 Travels From Alaska to the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica

On June 3, 2018 Outward Bound Costa Rica (OBCR) welcomed nine Girl Scouts and six chaperons from Girl Scout Troop #690 of Eagle River, Alaska for an 11-day Custom Course adventure. “From the tops of the trees to the rapids of the river, Outward Bound Costa Rica left me with an experience…